I ranked 7th in the Aseprite Mini Weekend Jam!

🔗 Monday, 29 July 2024

By Cariad Eccleston • 👋 @cariad@indiepocalypse.social • ✉️ cariad@cariad.earth

I’m more “chuffed” than “proud”, but there it is.

A pixel-art image of two humanoid robots. One appears to be an adult wearing ragged clothes, has lost a leg, and is waving at the viewer. The other appears to be a child who is looking away and anxiously holding a plush shark toy.

I took park in the Aseprite1 Mini Weekend Jam2 last week and ranked 7th3 of 21 by a jury of my peers!

The jam lasted 48 hours with the theme “Offworld Refugee” and required three deliverables:

  1. A protagonist.
  2. A companion to the protagonist.
  3. A scene capturing a moment.

…and for only 48 hours, actually finishing something and ranking seventh ain’t bad!

Overall#73.762 / 5
Creativity & originality?#63.786 / 5
Interpretation of the theme#73.786 / 5
Quality of artistic composition#103.714 / 5

I’m honestly really happy with the character images; I got into the flow and had fun with it. But I fucked myself with the scene capturing a moment. I ran out of time, had to rush it, and I didn’t do the idea justice at all. So, no hard feelings on losing points for that.

Am I just the smallest bit grumpy about the folks who adapted existing work rather then starting from scratch? Hell yes; you know I am. But fuck ‘em, because I’m proud enough of what I put out there.

  1. Aseprite (aseprite.org) is a hugely popular–probably the most popular, but I’m not going to double-check so don’t quote me–open-source pixel art and animation editor. The jam wasn’t associated or endorsed by the Aseprite crew, but there you go and now you know. ↩︎

  2. The Aseprite Mini Weekend Jam: https://itch.io/jam/aseprite-mini-jam ↩︎

  3. “The Portal Opens”: https://pixelsallthewaydown.itch.io/the-portal-opens ↩︎